Saturday, May 12, 2007



The character of a child depends a lot on the home. If it is a family that does love and care for each other then the children do their best. So it is a must to know how strong families are built. The principles of building a strong family shall be outlined in the next few weeks.

The family is the most basic and oldest institution that was put in place by almighty God. The family has the power and influence to build up an individual or to destroy him altogether. The importance of the family calls for the study of biblical truths about it and the practice of the word of God to build strong families because that in effect would build a strong society. The home is the basic building place of all human relationships and it is absolutely necessary that some basic training is given in this context. A church that comprises strong and loving families would naturally be loving and healthy. A home has the power to change the society. Now taking all this into account the responsibility of a parent is tremendous.

The challenges of being a parent.

Parents feel like they’re facing uphill battles in dealing with economic challenges, negative values in society, and community and neighborhood conditions. These challenges are particularly hard for parents of teenagers, those facing economic stress, those with limited interest in education.

Here is what some parents said………………….

  • “Needing to protect your child from negative values and influences in this society” is a “major problem” for all parents but particularly those that are in living in a multiracial society like that of America.( My experience in the middle east shows that this is a major factor that influences the character formation of a teenager)

  • “There are also challenges of the world we live in now, where consumerism and commercialism and…everything is consumption. And that’s not something I value. Or at least that’s not a value I want to pass on to my child. . . . Aside from the day to day, trying to instill values when the rest of the world seems caught up in ‘what kind of car am I driving, how many more pairs of sneakers can I buy.’”

  • “As a parent you have certain values and morals and principles that you want to instill in your child. But there are so many competing forces out there. There’s so much negativity in the street, there’s so much negativity on television, there’s so much negativity and violence on television. . . . . So it’s a constant struggle to keep them on a path that’s positive and constructive.”

  • “It’s difficult to be a good parent. You don’t go to school to learn to be a parent, one has to learn it by trial and error….But now, here, I say, that being a parent is the most difficult career in our lives, be a parent and learn to be a parent.”

  • “Parenting is definitely intended to be two individuals – because the female brings certain characteristics to the child’s development and the male brings the other part, which is what gives you a well-rounded child. So I believe the child that is missing one of their parents, they miss out.”

  • “It’s hard. It’s not easy. There’s certain things that is difficult – like raising teenagers at home is crazy. One day they…you know, they get up in a certain mood, the next day the other. My challenge is just understanding them, basically.”

  • “I always sacrificed what I needed for what this child needed. So it’s like I sacrificed a lot in order to make sure he had [what he needed]. And it may have ruined him in some ways—because he’s spoiled rotten—but I sacrificed a lot. I didn’t put my needs first; I put his first.”

It was Satan's intention to destroy God's creation through his attack on the home. Satan's attack in Eden was an attack on the sacred intimacy of the home.

Nothing is more dangerous than a divided home and the consequences are seen in the lives of Cain and Abel.

The home should be the happiest spot we can ever know on earth. In it we have the very closest and dearest relationships, and it can be the constant source of strength and inspiration. But to create and preserve the happiness of the home requires certain qualities and attitudes which may be designated by four key words.

Love-faith-self discipline and responsibility.

¢ Love is the basic ingredient of anything that is of God. A family that is rooted in love will be strong. To keep it alive and warm requires close association, attention and care. Love needs to be nurtured and for this communication is a must. No amount of gadgets, money or gifts can be a substitute for communication. Parents need to spend quality time with each other and with the children.

¢ Faith in God and in one another is vital. Faith, in all its aspects trust, confidence, reliance brings happiness. If a home is to be happy parents must conduct themselves in such a way that they can have implicit faith in each other and inspire such faith also in their children. The basis of such mutual trust, however, is a faith in God and in all the attributes we associate with Him truth, integrity, fairness, compassion, mercy.

¢ Self-discipline is acquired only gradually and sometimes painfully through external discipline. Being permissive destroys a child slowly but surely.

¢ Responsibility is a key factor. Realizing each others roles and responsibilities makes the home a joyful place. Each member of the family feels a responsibility to the others, a responsibility to merit confidence and truth, a responsibility to keep one's promises, to carry out duties and assignments.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Please see the details about Family Seminar.
Please be there. JESUS BLESS

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Praise the Lord
Abraham Kondazhy


At the onset we would like to remind ourselves that our Lord was gracious and merciful and could not go past anyone without reaching out. We are commanded to do the same. To be of the same mind. We are to live passionately for others. The core of Christianity is that he who finds his life loses it and the one who loses his life finds it! Until and unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies it is useless and a waste!

It is worth remembering that "The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity but its sending capacity" as quoted by Mike Stachura. This forum is dedicated to spreading the gospel by putting into words what the Holy Spirit impresses on the heart. A request to all who are His disciples is to encourage this effort by participation. Let us magnify His name.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


A few christian brothers came together during the last quarter of 2006 to start this forum in Qatar.The basic aim of the forum is to bring to light all those who have been endowed with talents so that their talents can be put to good use for the glory of God.
All those who like to join this forum may add their comments on this blog.
Oommen George